The human brain is extremely complicated and over time it has gained many genetic mutations, some which affect metabolism. Even a small change in DNA can cause a defect in the production of proteins, neurotransmitters and neurohormones. These changes in brain chemistry affect the way people perceive reality.

This can lead to people experiencing the surrounding world in a special way, they may feel derealization and depersonalization. These people doubt the world or even they themselves exist. Most of them find it unbearable to live in such a subjective reality which leads to constant uncertainty, anxiety, and fear.

Many of those who were not diagnosed in time and did not receive help they need, find a solution in illegal psychotropic and psychoactive substances that help them to feel fine for a short period of time.
Dual diagnosis
Nearly half of all alcohol and drug users have a dual diagnosis. These illegal substances help them to deal with stress and basically live their lives as normal human beings.
The human brain is extremely complicated and over time it has gained many genetic mutations, some which affect metabolism. Even a small change in DNA can cause a defect in the production of proteins, neurotransmitters and neurohormones. These changes in brain chemistry affect the way people perceive reality.

This can lead to people experiencing the surrounding world in a special way, they may feel derealization and depersonalization. These people doubt the world or even they themselves exist. Most of them find it unbearable to live in such a subjective reality which leads to constant uncertainty, anxiety, and fear.

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