When people stop using alcohol or drugs, they usually describe their physical and emotional state as "unbearable". The withdrawal symptoms are the results of a lack of vitamins, minerals and nutrients caused by substance abuse. This leads to deficiency of amino acids which are used by our brain to build neurotransmitters.

To illustrate what the deficit of neurotransmitters is like, just imagine driving a car with a manual transmission and you are only able to use first gear. It is technically possible to move but it's slow, uncomfortable, and increases fuel consumption.

To get rid of abstinence, return the nervous system to the standard mode and begin the recovery process, it is necessary to go through medical detox procedures.
Medical detox
Residents of Monte Rehab are offered all the necessary qualified assistance to overcome the abstinence stage under the supervision of experienced narcologists and therapists.
Depending on the severity and duration of alcohol abuse, withdrawal may be more severe, causing symptoms such as:
  • Hallucinations
  • Convulsions
  • High blood pressure
  • Quickening of the pulse
  • Heat
  • Profuse sweating
  • Delirium tremens (DC)
In our center, residents can receive all the necessary qualified assistance to complete the path of abstinence as safely, comfortably and carefully as possible.
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