It can be difficult to track the first signs of burnout, because a person enters this state gradually.

Symptoms of burnout include:

No pleasure from business
Touchiness, toxicity
and so on ...

Burnout is accompanied by an unwillingness to get up in the morning to work, to perform their usual affairs, there is not enough desire and energy to move on.
Executive burnout
Loss of interest in work, constant fatigue and insomnia, conflicts with colleagues, friends and relatives, irritability to environmental factors, emotional exhaustion, etc. - these are exactly the consequences that can arise as a result of ignoring the treatment of burnout.
If you scoop soup from a pot, it will run out sooner or later, but just banging on an empty pot won't solve the problem of resuming the amount of food in the dishes. Or if you squeeze the juice out of an orange, sooner or later there will be one peel that will not be able to fill the glass with freshly squeezed fresh juice, no matter how much you press on it. It's the same situation with burnout. If your emotional resource is depleted, then even greater oppression of it will not help to achieve harmony and balance with yourself and your emotional state.

Only a special atmosphere, proper rest, work with professionals and an individual approach to each client contribute to the careful restoration of emotional burnout. In the recovery program, each day is fully scheduled with activities specifically designed to restore the state of your balance.
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