There are a huge number of behavioral addictions:
  • Eating disorders
  • Gambling addiction / ludomania
  • Internet addiction
  • Sexual addiction

Despite the fact that the object of addiction is different actions (food, sex, play), all behavioral addictions are based on a common phenomenology, scenario of development and existence.
Treatment of food and behavioral addictions
Only after discovering and working out the original reason for launching a destructive scenario can you start controlling your own behavior again.
If a person compulsively overeats, the intuitive solution will be to limit himself in food, if this does not help, then at least overeat with non-harmful products, if this does not help, try to switch entirely to a healthy diet, if difficulties arise here, then so be it - overeat, but not every day.

In all the cases described, this is nothing more than an attempt to find a superficial compromise that will affect the effect, not the cause.

A similar scenario goes through the stage of a patient with gambling addiction.
  • I will stop playing at all,
  • I will play within the allotted amount,
  • I will play for everything except money, which I desperately need,
  • to hell with it, I'll lose everything I have, and then I'll stop right away.
In all cases, we will have to admit that in all cases intuitive solutions do not work and it is necessary to move to counter intuitive solutions.

It is important to understand that the symptom is not identical to the disease. It is impossible to cure bronchitis by helping a patient to cough, it is impossible to cure skin itching by inventing original ways to scratch the sore spot. In the first case, you will have to take pills, in the second, smear with special ointments. And the main problem is that the effect will not be instantaneous and will be delayed in time.

The strategy of recovery from behavioral addictions includes 6 points:
  • give up volitional efforts
  • accept that this is a consequence of the cause of tension
  • legalize the way of responding
  • detect and work through the original cause
  • accepting the fact that your command to you is beyond your control and the problem cannot be solved by volitional efforts and restrictions
  • accepting that compulsive behavior is the brain's response to serious internal tensions and problems that have not been solved for a long time
If you forbid a person to react to this tension in this way, the consequences can be even more catastrophic. All attempts at a mechanical solution to the problem in 100% of cases lead to an aggravation of the situation.

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