It is normal to feel a bad mood or be upset by something, it is also quite normal to have a desire to be alone or spend the evening with your personal experiences. But this is normal, provided that you do not experience a feeling of complete despair, hopelessness and can not satisfy your needs with the help of the usual things for you.

Most likely, these may be symptoms of depression.

If the question "Tell us about any pleasant memory?", You dig into your head for a long time to find positive moments, this is an occasion to seriously think about your mental health.
Depression treatment
Depression is a disorder that negatively affects not only your inner state and attitude, but also your personal and sexual relationships, your work and relationships with colleagues and friends, and has a bad effect on your daily life and the performance of everyday activities.
If a person is sick with gastritis, he feels discomfort in the abdomen, pain and other symptoms and it is impossible to help him simply by stroking his stomach. Similarly, depression can be cured only if you provide a person with specialized care, and not indulge his complaints and suffering.

We conduct a personal assessment of the mental state with our specialists, which helps to choose the methods of treatment and careful restoration of your condition, until complete recovery and finding harmony with yourself.
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