This type of dependence is associated with different spheres. Experts note the psychological and physiological signs of gambling, as well as changes in personality traits.
PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNS: - Anticipation of a million-dollar win
- Feeling completely in control of the situation
- Inability to quit the game when you lost a huge amount
- More and more time is being devoted to games
- Emotional uplift during the game
- Thoughts of the game dominate the rest
- Games take more and more money from the addict's budget
- Obsessive thoughts about the need to win back the lost money
- The appearance of depression, insomnia, suicide attempts
The physiological signs of gambling include a constant excited state of a person; the release of hormones in large quantities, which affects the condition of internal organs, hypertension, changes in appearance (a gambler looks like a patient with drug addiction or alcoholism).
With regard to changes in the personality of the addict, it should be said that he loses the connections established over the years in society (with friends, relatives, work colleagues). The appearance of large debts, connections with crime, the sale of property are likely.