From time to time everyone will experience a feeling of sadness, sorrow, and melancholy. For example, you may have recently broke up with your partner, had a family conflict, or missed a project deadline. All these negative emotions are temporary and will soon be replaced by positive life situations.

But if negative emotions prevail, nothing pleases you for months and you will not find harmony with the world around you. These are symptoms of a mood disorder.

Depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, adjustment disorder, and anxiety, etc, are all varieties of mood disorder to which there was no timely response.
Mood disorder treatment
Mood disorder is not just a time in your life when negative emotions dominate, it is a disease that affects your condition and your health in different ways and has its varieties.
Over time, mood disorders can lead to disadaptation, or to the loss of the ability to adapt to the surrounding reality. Inadequate emotional reactions destroy personal relationships and make it impossible to work productively.

In addition, a mood disorder leads to health deterioration, irritation, apathy, lethargy, loss of appetite, lack of motivation, feeling of hopelessness, etc.

We provide a special environment that will give you an opportunity to work out your personal experiences, take a break from your everyday routine, replenish your live energy and teach you how to deal with challenges, develop healthy habits, and control your emotions.
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