Anxiety is a normal secondary response to stress. The problem is not anxiety itself, but attempts to ignore it, because in this case the brain fails to form effective coping strategies.

The source of the problem is a state of uncontrollable stress, when a person feels his own helplessness over and over again, because all attempts to adapt to the surrounding reality fail.

The state of uncontrolled stress forms a background feeling of anxiety in a person, then the entire body and nervous system begins to rebuild its functioning under an extreme regime.
Anxiety treatment
Psychotherapy helps to eliminate the internal source of stress, develop an effective way to adapt to changes, harmonize internal neurophysiological processes and help the body switch from extreme to normal operations.
As soon as people find themselves in stressful situations for themselves, the first action they take is to try to suppress this condition, which later causes more serious consequences. Apathy, panic attacks, nervousness and tension, insomnia and much more are signs of anxiety.

If you do not eliminate this problem in time, then with each subsequent day you will only feel worse and this can affect not only your career, personal relationships, and your children, but can also lead to serious health problems, such as stomach ulcers, cardiovascular problems, diabetes mellitus, concomitant addiction.

People who want to lose weight, first of all, try to replace harmful products with less harmful ones, increase the amount of physical activity, stop eating altogether, but all this does not contribute to weight loss or a person gets a short-term result that will soon make him break down again, while experiencing a feeling of anger towards himself, dissatisfaction with his own result, to annoyance.

Sooner or later you will have to realize that the problem concerns not only food consumption, but also internal conflicts that have not been worked out.

The complex work of our specialists contributes to a speedy recovery under the constant supervision of professionals.

In our center you will be able not only to undergo full-fledged therapy, but also to relax from stress, relax, restore your resource and acquire harmony and balance.
Contact our center if you want to get professional, qualified and careful help, and learn how to cope with life situations on your own.
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