Treatment of amphetamine addiction
We invite you to take as a basis the belief that amphetamine addiction is a deadly disease that requires the urgent care of qualified specialists, and not a harmless entertainment or process that can be controlled independently.

Even if you're told it's only once because you've been treated, I do it to... And they cite many reasons, you know: amphetamine addiction has already come and begun to progress. Now it is a matter of time how quickly it will develop into the stage of a deadly disease.
Signs of amphetamine addiction vary as the disease progresses.

At first, they are almost invisible. Outwardly, drug addicts at the initial stage almost do not differ from other people. Later, troubles begin due to delays, disruption of agreements, absenteeism, non-fulfillment of promises.

Often, the addict manages to hide his condition, so others attribute this to the peculiarities of personality and upbringing.

Soon, serious transactions with conscience begin, as getting money for the substance becomes a priority. Family, friends and work fade into the background and obvious deviations appear in behavior.

Over time, the addict comes to a form of behavior where none of his obligations or rules that used to be important are observed or enforced. A phase of absolute irresponsibility and lack of logic. He endlessly lies and dodges on any and every occasion. Relatives have the impression that a person has gone crazy, so illogical behavior becomes.

The last and very little reversible stage of dependence occurs within just a couple of years, if measures are not taken. In this case, the addict no longer has a family, no children, no job, no friends.
The consequences of amphetamine addiction have manifested themselves in full.

At the last stage of addiction, most likely, there are already problems with the police.

He communicates exclusively with the same drug addicts, the rest of the people in the eyes of the patient look strange.

At this stage, the addict has big problems with health and psyche. Their life revolves only near the drug, how to get, how to use and get it again.

The appearance is such that they are no longer hired, and others squeamishly wince if an amphetamine addict approaches them, because a strong and pungent smell comes from amphetamine addicts. They're what's called "stinking."
Treatment of amphetamine addiction is a long way to restore physical and mental health, correct behavior, develop a new healthy system of thinking. This is a joint process in which the patient and specialists take an active part.

On the question of whether it is possible to get rid of amphetamine dependence, it should be said with confidence that if you follow the rules of treatment and an active desire to follow the rules of rehabilitation, there is a persistent and prolonged remission. A person recovers and continues to live a full life.

Why you should contact a rehabilitation center

As a rule, a proven and comprehensive program for getting rid of addiction is practiced in a rehabilitation center. The center will also provide first aid and carry out the necessary rehabilitation in order to avoid breakdowns. If your friend shows the signs described above, do not hope that he will cope with the addiction himself. The center will select the necessary therapy, regardless of the stage of the disease. You see? the sooner treatment begins, the faster the patient will be able to recover and return to normal life in society.
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