Treatment of domestic alcoholism
Even if it seems to you that there is no problem yet. Well, in fact, what a disaster is that the use of alcohol is becoming more frequent, because the reasons for this are quite legal and very attractive. Few people think that cheerful gatherings with friends, "washing" deals and frequent celebration for any occasion can lead to sad consequences. It's people somewhere far down who lose their minds and will. They have a problem with alcohol. We're doing well. We have everything under control. We are not in danger of degradation and life is full of meaning.

Not immediately household alcoholism, the signs of which appear gradually and imperceptibly, will begin to threaten serious consequences.

For example, it is not clear and noticeable at what point a meeting with friends is already necessarily accompanied by the use of alcohol. Gradually, meetings, picnics, travel, celebrations become impossible without alcohol. It becomes commonplace just at the end of the day to pour and drink before dinner, then before lunch or instead of a snack, or because it is boring, lonely, so time passes faster, so much fun, so calmer, everyone does it.

Domestic alcoholism in women is seasoned with an occasion for meeting with friends, shopping, discussing romantic dates, rest after a hard day's work, fatigue from household chores, from raising children. This is an occasion to relax, forget, throw off the burden of problems, rest a little. Alcohol gives the illusion of rest, relaxation, relaxation.
  • Everybody does that and how am I worse?
  • If I don't do like them, then I'm not in the company.
  • And how can you even do without it?
  • It won't do me any harm and I don't see any problems.
And indeed, from the outside, it may seem that this is the case. Everything is reasonable and controllable.

That's just no one has yet been able to track the moment when controlled use develops into the stage of binge drinking, abuse, and then into the chronic phase.

This happens imperceptibly, and therefore is very dangerous.
If your relatives, friends, employer, colleagues pay attention to the fact that the use of alcohol in your life has begun to interfere with the actual life or you yourself understand and feel that the state of health and quality of life has deteriorated, contact specialists. Perhaps you need to pay attention to an obvious problem that you yourself do not even suspect yet.
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