Treatment of salt addiction
The danger of drug dependence on salt is that this substance is very simple to prepare at home. The biggest threat is the legality of the substance. Under the guise of permitted, pharmacological drugs, the drug is calmly transported across the border, sold from the hands, via the Internet. This fact significantly increases its turnover.

The use of the substance is carried out by rubbing into the mucous membranes. There are drug addicts who inject salt intravenously.

Chemical dependence on the substance develops from the first dose. After about an hour, there is already a need for repeated admission, otherwise an abstinence syndrome occurs.
Salts are one of the most dangerous drugs for physical and mental health. Under its influence, a person blurs the line between reality and imagination. The addict is not able to be aware of his actions, and can harm himself and others.

Salt is almost impossible to identify during tests for drug intoxication. The price of the drug is small - lower than for other types of drugs.

Heroin addicts are often attached to salt. The strength of the effect of these drugs on the mind is very similar.

The first symptom of a mental health disorder is insomnia. When receiving the dosage of the drug, the need for sleep goes away. This has a detrimental effect on the brain, destroying it.
Salt addiction requires a thorough and consistent approach to treatment. At the first stage, drug treatment is effective. Neuroleptics and other drugs relieve withdrawal, remove toxins, saturate the brain with oxygen. With the right approach, the functioning of all organs and life support systems is stabilized.

The second stage is rehabilitation. During rehabilitation, it is possible to overcome the craving for drug use, regain healthy habits, and develop moral qualities of the individual.

In some cases, coding is carried out from the salt dependence. The social adaptation of a person is also important. It is she who helps to resist addiction, and change the life of the addict for the better.
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