Treatment of codeine dependence
Codeine drugs are substances that are part of a number of combined painkillers and antitussive drugs. These drugs have weak narcotic properties, which attracted the attention of people to them, creating from them not assistants to our health, but a drug that destroys the personality.

If these drugs are prescribed by a specialist, this is justified.

Independent and uncontrolled intake of high doses of drugs containing codeine causes euphoria and a feeling of lightness. This leads to the emergence of a disease called codeine dependence.

The development of the narcotic effect is due to the fact that in the process of biotransformation in the liver, a certain amount of codeine (about 5%) turns into morphine.

Codeine can cause hallucinations. Visual perception often becomes fuzzy. The substance contributes to the appearance of an imaginary feeling of well-being. For some time, the codeine addict increases motor activity and psycho-emotional excitement appears.

A person experiences unrestrained delight, while real problems recede into the background. For a codeine addict who has taken the next "dose", talkativeness and verbosity are characteristic. It is difficult for him to maintain a conversation, because thoughts jump from one to another, concentration disappears.

The use of codeine not for therapeutic purposes, but for dubious pleasure, often causes severe poisoning. If qualified assistance is not provided in a timely manner, a fatal outcome is possible.

For a specialist working with addictions, the words codeine addiction will always be synonymous, making it clear that a person has a problem that may have passed into a severe form.

Codeine addicts take drugs literally in whole packages. And this contributes to the development of severe addiction, comparable to heroin or methadone. Addiction is formed gradually and imperceptibly for the patient himself. Most drug addicts believe that they can stop at any time, but only a few can cope with the addiction on their own. These are truly rare cases.

Treatment of codeine addiction is a task for experienced narcologists. Assistance to drug addicts is provided in a hospital setting, and only with their informed consent to medical procedures. The first stage is the detoxification of the body and the removal of "withdrawal". Drug withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by extremely unpleasant and painful sensations for the addict himself.

Nursing care for codeine dependence in some cases is necessary.

During the rehabilitation period, a set of measures is carried out, the purpose of which is to return the patient to a normal full life. A good effect is given by hypnotherapy, as well as sessions of individual and group psychotherapy.

Treatment of any drug addiction involves a long period of rehabilitation. Only if the necessary rules are followed, a stable remission can be achieved.
This disease, like any other type of drug addiction, is treated in specialized clinics under the supervision of narcologists. A competent approach is very important in the fight against codeine addiction. At the first stage, the body is detoxified and the symptoms of withdrawal are relieved. What follows is a more time-consuming process that can drag on for years. After all, a temporary lull can be replaced by a breakdown and exacerbation. And only a competent set of measures can return a person to a full life.
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