Treatment of dependence on stimulating and energy drinks
The modern rhythm of life involves high activity. In order to have time for everything, to use time to the maximum, many begin to compensate for healthy sleep and the need for rest, energy. However, this can lead to addiction.

Addiction to energy drinks occurs imperceptibly. The desire to cheer up turns into the fact that a person can no longer feel normal without such doping. It's all about the neurostimulants that are in the composition (guaranine, caffeine). They contribute to an increase in blood pressure, the production of hormones that are responsible for the feeling of happiness.

Power engineers are dangerous!

Excessive consumption of stimulating drinks can cause irreparable harm to the body.

  • Cardiovascular system.
  • Nervous system.
  • Psyche.
  • Digestive tract.

Caffeine stimulates cardiac activity, increases the pulse, increases pressure, which threatens with problems with the heart and blood vessels. For the central nervous system, taking such drinks is fraught with severe stress, which leads to depletion of the cells of the nervous system, and dysfunctions of the body systems. Excessive consumption of energy drinks affects irritability, aggressiveness, constant mood swings. The composition of the drink interferes with the absorption of the most important trace elements, which leads to osteoporosis, chronic pain, impaired cerebral circulation. As for the stomach, there is a danger of ulcers, diseases of the liver and other important organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Try a couple of days not to drink energy drinks, observe your condition and mood. If you notice such symptoms as:
  • Pain in the head
  • Low pressure
  • Irritability, apathy, depression, no mood, insomnia
  • Nausea, lack of appetite, diarrhea, constipation

In this case, you need to seek treatment.
Without treatment, addiction can take on dangerous forms and be fatal. With the help of modern methods and rehabilitation centers, it is easy to cope with addiction.

In order not to depend on power engineers, specialists use the entire arsenal of psychotherapeutic means and drug therapy. First, the patient is detoxified. That is, they remove all harmful substances from the body systems. Next, cognitive-behavioral therapy is used, where new habits and attitudes are formed.

In order not to get into the addiction network again, you should know the rules for the safe use of energy drinks. You need to drink no more than 250 ml. It is important to maintain a period of rest between taking. Do not drink energy together with tea, coffee and take into account contraindications to use.

Energy drinks are not safe stimulants at all. They contribute to addiction and health problems. They do not solve the issue with an increase in energy and the period of wakefulness, but only deplete the body, since only a healthy sleep is able to restore strength. In the event of an irresistible craving for energy, you should resort to the help of professionals.
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