Treatment of shopaholism
Everyone makes purchases for a comfortable life. However, there are people who do not see the boundaries of natural needs, and their desire to buy things has developed into an uncontrollable obsession.

Shopaholism is the craving for acquiring something without having to. Basically, women suffer from a predisposition to shopaholism, rather than men.

This is a mental disorder, also called oniomania. For people suffering from this deficiency, shopping becomes the meaning of life, displacing other areas of activity. The process of buying leads a person to euphoria, after which he is so carried away by it that other interests fade into the background, he ceases to communicate and develop in personal terms.
The reasons for the hobby of rash shopping can be from childhood. For example, a child has been deprived of the attention of adults, his neurosis manifests itself at a subconscious level, he tries to make up or compensate for what he did not receive in childhood. Shopping in this case acts as a way of self-satisfaction.

The thoughts of a shopaholic are set only on visiting shops, supermarkets and shopping centers with only one goal - shopping. He, not getting tired, day and night is ready to discuss with people like himself discounts, promotions, sales, new fashion collections and so on.

Like any mental disorder, shopaholism manifests itself in a person with frequent mood swings, irritability, aggression, or vice versa, unrestrained happiness from a complete purchase, obsessions, paranoia.

Buying up everything in their path, shopaholics do not think about the amounts spent, so the close and dear people of shopmaniacs do not always share their preferences, as this implies spending the family budget.

Shopaholism is a disease, and people who do not have sufficient means to meet their needs take out loans only to feel a moment of bliss again, experiencing a feeling of possessing something. Developing a mental disorder, the shopaholic avoids the usual social circle, and begins to look for the same obsessed with shopping and shopping.
If a person is adequate and understands that he is dependent, then he may well cope with this ailment himself. But there are not many such people. In order to control the craving for purchases, the following is recommended:

  • think about whether this thing is necessary for you;
  • the thing you like does not have to buy, you can just take a picture of it and admire it;
  • even if the product is affordable, it is worth considering what benefits it will bring to you and the family;
  • dressing fashionably, think about why someone should imitate and lose individuality;
Shopping lifts the mood, fills free time. But when this develops into an addiction, there can be unpleasant consequences, like debts, ruined relationships and a broken life.

An avid shopaholic cannot be cured by beliefs, restrictions and prohibitions. Striving, like an addict, to get a dose of happiness, he will easily move on to other addictions (for example, alcohol, drug addiction). An effective method of returning a shopaholic to normal life is considered to be psychotherapy and hypnosis sessions, group therapy and individual work with a psychotherapist.
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