Heroin Addiction Treatment
Narcotic substances are divided according to the degree of their danger. One of the strong and deadly drugs is heroin. It causes acute physical, psychological dependence, which is difficult to rehabilitate.

It is enough to smoke or inject intravenously two or three doses of the substance so that it triggers irreversible processes in the brain centers. At the time of taking heroin, a person almost immediately begins to feel a euphoric high caused by the active production of endorphins. The feeling of bliss lasts for six hours. At this time, a person feels very energetic and happy, free from all problems and worries. But when the euphoria begins to go away, it becomes difficult to return to reality. I want to go back to the feeling of bliss again and again.

What happens to the patient if he does not receive a dose?

If a heroin addict does not receive the next dose, then sooner or later he begins to break or abstinence. He begins to suffer from a whole complex of physical and mental disorders. After 9-12 hours, the addict will feel a sharp deterioration in the condition. At first, he will just yawn and sneeze, then his eyes will begin to water and muscles will hurt. After a day, this pain will become unbearable and will also be accompanied by vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea and a strong craving to take heroin again. In this state, a person will not be able to "get off the needle" on his own.

How to recognize heroin addiction?

Statistics show that the mortality rate among heroin addicts is highest among other categories of drug addicts. If you do not recognize the addiction in time and begin to fight it, then the patient may die due to an overdose or for other reasons.

These signs will help you determine if your loved one is sick and, accordingly, immediately begin treatment.

  • Secrecy and unusual behavior, the use of specific slang;
  • Frequent mood swings, rapid transition from violent joy to deep depression;
  • Lack of appetite and, as a result, severe weight loss;
  • A hoarse voice;
  • Dilated or vice versa narrow pupils;
  • Somnolence;
  • The need to drink plenty of fluids.

The heroin addict begins to lie, and with the help of closed clothes try to mask the traces of injections.

  • Dilated or vice versa too narrow pupils;
  • Sleep in the daytime;
  • The need for plenty of water at night.
And the most unpleasant thing. A heroin addict begins to lie for any reason and with the help of closed clothes try to mask the traces of injections.

Why is heroin addiction dangerous?

The opinion that heroin addicts die only from a drug overdose is erroneous. Heroin has a negative effect on the entire body, so at any moment to refuse any organ.

What is dangerous heroin addiction:

  • Falling into a severe toxic coma;
  • Infectious diseases and HIV caused by a marginal decrease in immunity;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Gangrene and inflammatory processes;
  • Actually an overdose, which can lead to respiratory arrest;
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
And, of course, the uncontrollability of behavior and the desire to get the next dose can lead the patient to a criminal environment where it is impossible to predict what will happen to him.

Unfortunately, even this list is far from complete. And in order to prevent the development of dependence to a critical point, it must be treated in the early stages.
To date, the only guaranteed way to get rid of addiction is treatment in a rehabilitation clinic. The choice of treatment method is determined by the severity of the patient. Treatment can take place both medically and with the use of special procedures. So, in case of an overdose, ultra-fast opoid detoxification (UBOD) is used as an emergency measure. It is performed by an anesthesiologist and lasts up to six hours.

In other less difficult cases, the patient can be treated with special blockers, for example, Naltrexone. These and other modern methods of treating heroin addiction are practiced by experienced specialists in a modern rehabilitation center. Doctors with extensive experience will select a treatment that will help you forget about this addiction forever.
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