Treatment of binge alcoholism
Binge drinking is the name of the state in which a person stays, who consumes alcohol for a long time and uncontrollably.

Binges are different in duration and cyclicity.

If this happened once or is extremely rare, perhaps this indicates a way to cope with severe stress or excessive use. Although in this case you should be wary.

But if the cyclicity and frequency of binges increases, it is worth seriously thinking about the presence of alcohol dependence.

Alcoholism is a progressive disease, the patient needs treatment.

In the mass consciousness, binges are attributed to incorrect meanings that romanticize this state and do not reflect its mortal danger.

It's not blues, it's not melancholy, and it's not a slight spleen, accompanied by reflections on the frailty of existence.

Prolonged and abundant consumption of alcohol can be safely equated to the strongest chemical poisoning.

This is accompanied by the following symptoms.
  • Cardiac dysfunction
  • Dysfunction of the central nervous system

All vital organs are affected and carry an incredible load.
  • Kidneys
  • Liver
  • Stomach
  • Lungs

In order to preserve and maintain life, the body works at the limit.
Withdrawal from binge drinking at home and without the participation of specialists is associated with a huge risk to life.

It is not surprising that most cases of cardiac arrest and a malfunction of all body functions occur precisely when leaving a binge.

Oddly enough, the saying:

"From what you get sick, be treated", has a small fraction of the meaning solely in the context:

When the body is overflowing with poison (alcohol), and at the limit of its capabilities tries to process and remove it, a sharp cessation of use can provoke the terminal stage.

And in no case should you apply illiterate, spontaneous measures against a person who is in a state of binge.

In this case, you need to immediately seek medical help, neglecting the fear and shame of someone finding out the truth about you or your loved one.

The clinical picture of alcohol poisoning is individual, it is hardly possible to correlate and compare individual cases and even more so to classify them.

What you need to know if there is a person next to you who has gone into a binge.

He's in danger. And it needs the help of specialists. Treatment for alcohol dependence is necessary for him.

No one writes in a medical report
  • It is completely or partially disconnected from the realities of life.
  • It is pointless to expect him to fulfill any agreements and responsible decisions.
  • He can commit illegal acts.
  • There may be manifestations of panic, aggression, apathy, depression, actions beyond moral and moral standards.
At the same time, the state of severe alcohol intoxication is a direct cause of early heart attacks, strokes, cirrhosis and many other diagnosed causes of life termination.

Treatment after a binge is a set of measures that must be carried out under the supervision of specialists. It consists of several stages. Everyone passes individually.

By and large, we can say that the withdrawal from a binge is the initial stage of a complex and long process called the treatment of alcoholism.
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