Clinic for the Treatment of Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
Today, typing in the search box a query: clinic for the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction - you will see many options.

How to choose?
  • Check the qualifications of specialists
  • Ask for certificates confirming permission for this kind of activity
  • Personally communicate with management and employees, if it is interesting and important for you.
  • Gather feedback and recommendations
  • Personally make sure that the clinic meets its purpose

The Clinic for the Treatment of Drug Addiction and Alcoholism is an institution where medical procedures, clinical studies are carried out and patients are under the patronage of doctors. A person who has been using drugs or alcohol for a long time often just needs to be hospitalized and undergo detoxification and supportive therapy.

At this stage, we are talking about saving life and health.

A rehabilitation center is an institution where, in addition to necessary and emergency care, the whole process is aimed at obtaining a long-term result.

In addition to chemical dependence and "cravings", when the body is rid of surfactants, psychological dependence persists for a long time.

Drug addiction is a progressive and recurrent disease. That is, it is possible to achieve short-term remission, but it will be possible to keep and save life without psychoactive substances only after a period of rehabilitation.

The rehabilitation center is a "like at home" format. Only there do people with the same or a similar problem live with you. Everyone who has ever visited
Most likely, they remember that after consulting with a narcologist, some kind of procedure was proposed.

Often this is the so-called "coding". A single administration of the drug, after which a person is expected to have a persistent aversion and rejection of alcohol or drugs.
Does not imply long-term maintenance of patients. Sometimes people are there dozens of times. Many have long lost faith that "sewing" and "encodings" help, but for lack of an alternative and under pressure from relatives, they continue to go there.

An alcoholic rehabilitation center is a place where you can be brought to the almost lost faith and health, and you will come out of there as a different person. Yeah, it's not going to happen fast. You will have to learn a lot and learn a lot. Sometimes you won't understand what's going on. There will always be people nearby who are ready to help, prompt, share experience.

The clinic for alcoholics will offer you coding and a short-term respite.

A rehabilitation center will help to achieve long-term results, provided that upon leaving it you will adhere to the recommendations and follow the rules.

Rules of Life without alcohol and drugs.
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