Marijuana Addiction Treatment
Marijuana is a psychoactive substance of plant origin, which is obtained from hemp. Due to the fact that the plant grows in free access and is organic, there is an opinion that the use of it and its derivatives is harmless and harmless. Some hold this opinion for so long that they do not understand at what point they become firmly dependent. Dependence on marijuana is formed on a physical and psychological level.

Marijuana is a drug that causes euphoria and high spirits. Stresses and anxieties leave consciousness for a while, but after the cancellation of the action of the substance, they return again.

Dependence on smoking marijuana occurs after a short time of systematic use.

Cannabis, a substance found in the plant, enslaves the psyche. a person loses the ability to relax and relieve tension at the expense of his own strength. The addict tries to consolidate the pleasure received once and "gets hooked" on the substance. As a result, a stable addiction to the drug develops.
  • redness of the eyes, lacrimation
  • eyelids permanently swollen
  • a person talks a lot, often off-topic
  • severe thirst
  • increased appetite, craving for sweets
  • heart palpitations
  • the mood changes dramatically, a person instantly moves from apathy to unreasonable joy
  • there is an unpleasant smell from clothes and from the mouth of the patient.
The listed signs are a serious signal indicating the need to contact specialists.

You can understand that a person has recently smoked grass by the characteristic symptoms. With a small dosage, the following are observed:
  • hypersensitivity to bright light
  • incontinence in words and deeds
  • pupils are dilated and do not respond to the flow of light
  • a person is in a state of relaxation
  • in decision-making impulsive, not guided by common sense
  • copies the emotional reactions of others

In case of overdose, the symptoms are different:
  • pupils are narrowed to the size of a match head
  • glass eyes, not reacting to the movement around
  • the skin of the face is pale and bluish
  • lips dry and cracked
  • emotionally, there is unrestrained joy.
  • coordination of movements is impaired, gait is staggering
  • hallucinations, unreasonable fears and paranoia occur
  • a person panics for any reason
  • there is a distortion of perception

It is necessary to treat dependence on marijuana
through a period of long rehabilitation under the supervision of specialists.

It is very important to find the reason why a person began to use the drug. The work of a psychologist is to identify internal fears, intrapersonal conflicts and psychological barriers and teach the patient to cope with them on his own without the use of a substance.

Treatment of marijuana addiction is the task of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, group and individual consultations, the help and support of counselors and the right attitude of the patient who sincerely wants to return to a normal, healthy life.
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