Treatment for opiates
We invite you to think about at what point the words opiates addiction began to be used as synonyms in order to avoid misunderstandings in the reasoning about how dangerous their use is.

Opium has been known since ancient times as a powerful painkiller. And this has long been used in medical practice without finding out what side effects can occur when using the substance.

Later it became known that with an increase in dosage, the drug causes a feeling of euphoria, and with frequent use there is a physical dependence on opiates. This was the reason that in our time there is a whole list of opiates that are known to many drug addicts.

A huge and unconditional danger of using these substances is that dependence on opiates arises from a single dose.

The reason is that the receptors in our body are initially susceptible to opiates.

  • Natural opiates – alkaloids;
  • Semi-synthetic drugs (heroin and others);
  • Synthetic drugs (methadone and others).

Most quickly, dependence on opiates occurs in people who:

  • there are no or very few interests and hobbies in life
  • the volitional sphere is underdeveloped, it is difficult for them to clearly indicate their own decision, refusal or consent
  • do not know how to be consistent in their actions
  • low moral stability
  1. A person looks detached, he seems to live in his own world, experiences euphoria from any actions.
  2. In a dream, it looks as if he is unusually well, even if he fell asleep in an unnatural or uncomfortable position.
  3. When taking the drug, speech becomes inhibited and confused.
  4. The addict quickly loses the essence of the conversation and abruptly jumps to other topics.
  5. People who take opiates demonstrate an imaginary love for others, agree to make strange concessions.
  6. They look detached, trying to be more in solitude.
  7. The person who took the drug has narrowed pupils.
  8. They do not feel hungry, they do not want to drink. All these actions are done automatically.
  9. A person who has taken opium does not feel pain, since the pain threshold is reduced.
  10. The skin becomes pale.
During withdrawal, the drug addict looks very sloppy. His face becomes an earthy shade, there are signs of exhaustion of the body.

Prolonged use inevitably leads to the fact that all human desires are reduced to one thing - to find a dose. The addict becomes aggressive, comes to criminal offenses.

Satellites of dependence on opiates are AIDS and hepatitis C.

It does not matter what the substances that caused the addiction are called, if this opiate treatment will consist of several stages.

A special individual approach, special techniques, a period of psychological rehabilitation.

An integrated approach can be provided only by professionals and specialized centers.

It is not necessary to carry out treatment for drug addiction on your own, as it is risky and not advisable. Ask for help as soon as possible.
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