Treatment of drug dependence
Drug addiction is an addiction to any narcotic drug, accompanied by a pathological craving for the use of psychoactive substances. In the process of systematic use of drugs, tolerance to them is formed, physical and mental dependence develops.

Any person can suffer from drug addiction, regardless of status, age, social status and material condition. The ailment does not care whether the addict has parents, how many cars in the garage, what education he received and how many foreign languages he learned, whether he lives in luxurious conditions or in a hut, young or old.

After taking a dose, a person experiences a feeling of crazy joy, the world is painted in bright colors. When the effect of the substance weakens, there is a withdrawal and the desire to try the drug again. It is so difficult to withstand withdrawal that the next dose is obtained at any cost.

Addiction to many drugs comes from the first use. Further, the "harmless" at the first and very erroneous glance occupation begins to control a person against his will, and life turns into a continuous series of "get – use" no matter what.

Drug addiction is a complex of life-threatening symptoms and a social problem. This is the grief of relatives and the disintegration of the personality. It is a complete impossibility to participate in the life of one's own, family and society. It's a waking dream, a morass and a hallucination. The patient himself does not understand this, his entire existence is aimed at only one thing - to get and use.
Drug addiction treatment is incredibly important to start in the early stages, simply because psychoactive substances destroy and destroy so rapidly that you simply do not have time to seek help. There is not only a deterioration in physical well-being, but also the disintegration of the personality: character traits change, emotions become poor, indifference to others grows.

Modern narcology treats addicts successfully, subject to strict and justified measures agreed with experienced specialists. For this purpose, medical clinics and rehabilitation centers are open and successfully receive patients, we are no exception. Patients with different severity of addiction come to us, and we develop a system of care with the involvement of diverse specialists.

We are engaged in a comprehensive treatment of heroin addiction, dependence on other plant and synthetic substances. The result of therapy is complete abstinence from the use and excretion of the drug from the body, and a long period of rehabilitation measures is aimed at minimizing the possibility of relapse.

And if in narcology treatment is not so difficult to carry out by removing the substance from the body with the help of detoxification and maintenance therapy, then rehabilitation and work with the psychological aspect of addiction is solved by searching for internal problems and methods for solving them. It is absolutely necessary to overcome mental cravings. Without this, long-term remission is unlikely.
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