Treatment of methadone dependence
Methadone addiction is considered, unfortunately, one of the most severe of all existing types of drug dependence. If you or a relative suffers from methadone addiction, it is very important for you to know the following.

It is methadone that can have the most powerful destructive effect on the human body.

This tool is used in medicine to treat drug addicts taking heroin.

It is assumed that with the help of methadone you can save a person from addiction.

It is important to understand that as a treatment, methadone is used exclusively in combination with other methods. And even under the supervision of specialists, taking methadone in clear doses is not a guarantee of an effective result, so experts call this method of treatment extremely dangerous and acceptable only in some complex clinical cases.

In any case, it is important to know that methadone is a strong drug of synthetic origin, which in terms of effect and effect on the human body is almost identical to heroin. Therefore, according to many methadone addicts, it is very difficult to wean off methadone, because withdrawal from it, unlike heroin, can last more than a month. And the disease develops, albeit gradually, but very quickly.

Treatment of methadone dependence is a complex and lengthy process that should be carried out only by specialists in specialized centers.

In compliance with clearly established treatment principles, which include:
  • individual approach
  • use of competent and effective methods
  • constant monitoring of the patient's condition
  • sufficient rehabilitation period
A competent approach will allow you to adjust the psychological state of a person and further bring the patient out of a state of drug addiction that is dangerous to health and life.

The methadone clinic should have innovative methods of treating addiction, be able to provide the patient with proper care and provide all the possibilities of long-term remission.
Don't try to do it yourself.

Methadone "withdrawal" is accompanied by severe pain, physical and mental suffering that will make you look for a drug and use it again and again.

Contact professionals who know how to prevent the appearance of physical dependence syndrome, painful sensations, how to eliminate them and cleanse the body of toxic substances.

After detox and overcoming the "withdrawal", undergo a specific treatment aimed at consciously abandoning addiction in compliance with the methods proposed by professionals.
It is possible to achieve long-term remission and exclude the occurrence of relapse, subject to timely access to professionals, compliance with the rules and recommendations of treatment, personal desire to stop the nightmare of dying and a burning desire to return to normal life.
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