Treatment of spice addiction
Treatment of spice addiction
Spice is a smoking mixture, which includes hallucinogenic plants impregnated with synthetic chemicals (artificial cannabinoids). The use of such smoking mixtures causes short-term euphoria.

There are several reasons why spice addiction is considered even more severe than heroin addiction:
  • Relatively low price and availability of the mixture.
  • Poor awareness of health hazards. Young people think that the "harmless" herbs that make up the composition do not have disastrous consequences for the body.
  • Instant addictive. Psychologically, dependence on spice occurs already through pairs of smoked self-twists, physical dependence is formed a month later.
  • The presence of ballast components (for example, vitamin E) in the mixture complicates the process of detecting the drug in the human body.
  • Treatment of the disease is carried out only in the hospital of the narcological clinic, this is due to the severity of the health consequences of the use of spice.
There are several signs that make it possible to determine whether a person has an addiction:
  • persistent dry cough, exacerbation of bronchopulmonary diseases, frequent pneumonia;
  • constant thirst and hunger;
  • redness and a feeling of dryness in the eyes;
  • inhibition of the body's reactions to external stimuli;
  • violation of coordination and orientation in space;
  • depressive psychosis;
  • pale complexion.
Also an alarming sign may be the presence of disassembled pens and small small plastic bottles in a teenager, which are used as spice smoking devices.
Among young people, the popular point of view is that spice is harmless, however, their use causes a severe blow to the body. First of all, the brain suffers from regular use of the drug, since the narrowing of the vessels of the brain disrupts its blood supply and occurs as a consequence of the destruction of cells. Then comes the turn of liver dysfunction, the development of cardiovascular diseases. All this requires an immediate reaction of relatives and friends, and the placement of the patient in a hospital.
Despite the fact that formally smoking mixtures are not included in the category of hard drugs, the cessation of their use after a couple of months causes withdrawal, which feels similar to withdrawal with heroin addiction.

Symptoms of withdrawal:
  • very severe pain in the muscles and joints;
  • high body temperature;
  • headaches up to loss of consciousness;
  • Hallucinations;
  • depressive psychosis.

It must be said that in a state of withdrawal under the influence of hallucinations, addicts can commit suicide.

Even short-term use of smoking mixtures entails impaired brain activity, takes a person out of balance and a sense of reality. It is for this reason that the patient needs only treatment in a hospital under the round-the-clock supervision of narcologists.

The course of addiction treatment includes a full range of services to get rid of drug addiction:
  • Cleansing the body of substances that destroy the brain and body.
  • Restoration of normal functioning of internal organs.
  • Rehabilitation program.

Psychological dependence on narcotic substances, smoking mixtures, is so strong that it is impossible to overcome it on your own, without resorting to the help of an experienced psychologist. Because of this, the last stage of the course of addiction treatment is considered the most important. On how effective the rehabilitation of the patient will be, the success of his entire future life will depend.

The choice of treatment methods depends on the specific case, taking into account the mental and physiological state of the patient, the results of the initial examination upon admission to the clinic and laboratory examination data.
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