Treatment of beer alcoholism
Dependence on alcoholic beverages is called alcoholism. A distinctive feature of the disease is the frequent use of alcohol, it is characterized by a complete loss of control before alcoholic beverages. Systematic consumption causes a person to have a spectrum of disorders on a physical and psychological level.
In modern society, beer, like alcohol, is not taken seriously. This intoxicating, low-alcohol drink, for many, is on a par with soda, which can quench your thirst. It contains a smaller percentage of alcohol than, for example, in vodka, which allows addicted people to justify their addiction to it. Beer alcoholism develops rapidly and carries serious consequences. A person does not perceive the desire to drink beer as a disease and treats it with less caution than the desire to drink a stronger drink, this is the danger.

With frequent and uncontrolled consumption, beer has a toxic effect on the body. First of all, the brain, heart, liver and lungs are affected. With abuse, in addition to the standard set, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, tachycardia, estrogens contained in beer cause a decrease in potency and sperm production.

Beer alcoholism, like any other type of addiction, begins imperceptibly for the person himself. At first, this is use on holidays, in the company of friends. Then the need to drink a couple of bottles of beer arises every day. And then, the volume of alcohol consumed increases rapidly.

An addicted person sincerely believes that beer helps him relax, relieve tension after a hard day's work, and cope with irritability. Not being able to drink, a person becomes unreasonably aggressive. Unbeknownst to the addict himself, he moves from the argument "I drink so that it is good" to the argument "I drink so that it is not bad."

Even losing control over the amount of beer consumed, a person does not recognize that he is dependent on this drink and continues to protect and look for excuses for his addiction. Meanwhile, beer alcoholism has long been a diagnosis for him.

Intoxication from beer comes faster, but does not entail uncontrolled behavior, which most often ends with problems with the law, scandals in the family, a sobering-up center. Also, with beer alcoholism, memory lapses occur much less often than with the abuse of stronger drinks.
Unlike spirits, beer is consumed every day, not binge drinking. Accordingly, withdrawal from the cessation of use in beer addicts is less common. However, the withdrawal syndrome progresses quickly and is expressed instantly if the addict falls into conditions where there is no opportunity to drink his favorite drink.

Despite the fact that the symptoms with a complete cessation of alcohol consumption after prolonged abuse, with beer and other alcoholism are different, the methods of treatment are similar. The main task is to remove dependence at the psychological level. With drug treatment, the patient is prescribed drugs that increase the body's sensitivity to alcohol and reduce the feeling of euphoria after use.

To normalize the psychological state, antidepressants and psychotropic drugs are effectively used to help stabilize mood - relieve tension, irritability and aggressiveness.

In the case of beer addiction, techniques designed to help in the fight against binge alcoholism are ineffective. The main problem is that a lover of an intoxicating drink cannot give an objective assessment of his condition.

Various techniques include: psychological or hypnotic effects on the consciousness of the addict, group and family therapy, coding.
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