Treatment of secret alcoholism
The first thing to do is to recognize the presence of alcohol dependence. Do not run away from a terrible fact. Yes, most likely for me this is a problem, and not a minor trouble. Yes, alcohol is already causing me tangible harm, not just relieving tension. Yes, not only I am suffering, but also my loved ones. Yes, an activity that seemed harmless and harmless at first harms my health, undermines the budget and entails many problems at work, in communication and in the family.

I'd rather ask for help.

If there is no such understanding, and the addiction progresses, then, most likely, there will be a need to recognize that treatment is necessary.
Most often, relatives begin to sound the alarm. Family, friends, colleagues. Those who care that your life is going downhill. Those who still hope and wait. At the same time, they experience shame, fear and guilt. Many are simply afraid for themselves to admit that this "shameful behavior" exists. Some are convinced that alcoholism is not a disease, but a lack of willpower and temporary difficulties. That's okay. It happens to everyone.

Compulsory treatment of alcoholism can be considered as an inducement to the alcoholic's awareness of his plight.

As the first stage of assistance. Like refusing to pander to a disease and hiding it, like acknowledging a problem.

Next, you should entrust the patient to specialists who are targeted and expertly engaged.
These are narcologists, psychotherapists, consultants. Employees of specialized clinics, rehabilitation centers, people who already have experience of stopping addiction and a happy life in sobriety.

Alcoholism is a chronic disease.

Treatment of a chronic disease is a gradual, multi-step process and supportive measures. This is the methodology and system knowledge.

Therefore, it is safe to say that if there is a problem, then from some time the words alcoholism treatment will be inextricably linked.

A clinic for alcoholics can be a kind of prison with bars on the windows, it can be a ward with the presence of straitjackets, or it can be a beautiful house with professional staff and highly qualified specialists.

The main thing is that it performs its functionality. The guarantor of this will be the saved lives and the new lives of people who are sometimes considered hopeless.
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